SPC provides links to the following external community resources for students. Please note that inclusion on this list does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of such agency by St. Petersburg College.

Early Learning Coalition of Pinellas County (ELC) School Readiness Program - Assistance with locating child care centers and applying for reduced child care rates.

Please contact these partners to confirm times and locations before visiting.

For emergencies, call 911 first

  • CASA / 727-895-4912 – Domestic Violence center providing shelter, treatment, legal, education, and other services as well as the 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Domestic Abuse Hotline / 800-799-7233 OR text start to 8878 – Help for victims of domestic abuse or violence
  • Hope Villages of America / 727-442-4128 – Provides assistance with domestic violence situations, homelessness, hunger, and other basic needs.
  • 2-1-1 Tampa Bay Cares / Dial 211 or text your zip code to 898211 – Directory for all social/human services (including transportation, housing, financial, safety, employment, education, and other services)

These helpful links will direct you to additional resources and information for veterans.

  • SPC Food Pantries
  • Transportation – SPC has an agreement with Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) to allow all SPC students, faculty and staff a free, any time, all routes, universal UPASS