Adding Value Through Diversity
St. Petersburg College is committed to increasing business participation and wants to partner with a widely diverse group of business enterprises to share in supporting community activities, education and training. We believe that increasing our effectiveness through direct outreach and advocacy groups dedicated to business development will be of value to the college, to the business enterprises, and to the Pinellas County community at large.
Promoting Strategies of Inclusion
It is the intention of SPC that in acquiring goods and services we maintain an environment that promotes, increases, and improves the quality of the overall participation of a widely diverse group of business enterprises. SPC is committed to assist minority and women-owned business enterprises in gaining access to business opportunities at the college. To further expand business opportunities and enhance continued economic growth, SPC will expect our strategic suppliers to adopt similar strategies of inclusion.
Greater Diversity, Greater Opportunities
It is our objective to implement an innovative program that makes supplier diversity a specific objective collegewide. This objective coincides with the expectation that all goods and services acquired from any business enterprise will meet the college's requirements relating to value, quality, and timeliness. The college believes that, through our supplier diversity initiative, more diverse business enterprises will not only have greater opportunities but will increase their business presence at the college.
Message from Janette Hunt
St Petersburg College has an intentional effort to focus on supplier diversity. We are excited to enhance our focus on this initiative and build sustainable partnerships.
Janette Hunt
Vice President, Finance & Business Operations

- Belinthia Berry - Dean of Workforce Development
- Barbara Weaver - Manager of Supplier Development
- Dr. Hector Lora - Associate Vice President of Budgeting
- Janette Hunt - Vice President of Finance & Business Operations
- Karen Reynolds - Director of Procurement & Asset Management
- Dr. Keron Jean-Baptiste - Provost (Acting) of Downtown & Midtown Centers
- Lise Fisher - Director of Marketing & Strategic Communications
- Kari Campbell - Administrative Coordinator
- Mike Meigs - Associate Vice President of Accounting, Business & Financial Services
Want to join SPC’s list of diverse suppliers? Get started today.
Sign up below and let the college know more about your organization.
Phone number: 727-341-4396
Email address:
Mailing address:
St. Petersburg College
P.O. Box 13489
St. Petersburg, FL