Meet Sheree Greer

SPC Writing Professor Sheree Greer has a passion for student success. A prolific professional writer, Greer's resume boasts a long list of published articles, awards, a short story collection and a novel.
But her biggest passion comes when she helps a student overcome obstacles and succeed.
"I find my motivation as a professor in the success of my students," said Greer. "When I see students moving forward in the direction of their dreams, I get what I call 'teacher warm fuzzies'. That is student success."
In 2005, Greer left her career as a busines analyst to pursue writing full-time. Her students are glad she did.
"Sheree Greer is always there for you," said SPC student Adrian West. "She is determined that everyone succeed."
Greer earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Technology and Human Resources from Marquette University and her Master of Fine Arts in writing from Columbia College Chicago.
She teaches creative writing at Milwaukee Academy each summer and completed a VONA/Voices creative writing residency at University of Milwaukee. Greer recently published a short story collection, Once and Future Lovers, and completed her first novel, What Has Never Been Taught.
Name: Sheree Greer
Job Title: Communications professor