Inspire the next generation in math

If you love math, share your passion by teaching it to students in grades 6-12. Our bachelor's degree in Secondary Education Mathematics builds on math content and gives you practical, school-based experiences to teach students. You earn a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Math (grades 6-12) Education and are prepared for certification in this area.

This academic program prepares you for the following careers. All job data is provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education

Salary Data

Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metro Area Average

Florida Average

Projected employment for Florida

2022 Employment




Percent Change


Projected Job Openings


An SPC degree Prepares You for a rewarding education career

  • You'll be prepared to pass on your math expertise to the next generation and mold young minds
  • You'll learn how to help students solve math problems in the real world
  • You'll be ready to pursue studies at the graduate level training and employment

Secondary Education Mathematics (6-12) Bachelor of Science

Effective Beginning Catalog Term: Fall 2022 (610)

The requirements shown below are valid beginning Fall 2022 (610), and may not reflect degree requirements for current students. Current students should visit My SPC and view My Learning Plan to see specific degree requirements for their effective term.

Program Summary

This teacher preparation program combines mathematics content related material with practical, school-based experiences to prepare you for professional certification to teach mathematics in grades 6-12. You earn a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education (6-12) and will be well prepared to teach topics related to High School Mathematics.

Graduation Requirements

GPA: A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher is required for graduation.

GENERAL EDUCATION: All students must complete the 36 credit general education requirement in order to graduate from this program. A.S. degree holders may need to complete an additional 15-21 general education credits to complete the thirty-six (36) credit hour general education requirement.

CULTURAL DIVERSITY (6 credits): Six credits with an international or diversity focus. This requirement may have been satisfied in the first 60 semester hours.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE: If you have not completed two consecutive years of the same foreign language in high school or 8 credits in college, you will need to complete 8 credits of foreign language before completing the B.S. program.

CIVIC LITERACY: As per Florida Rule 6A-10.04213, baccalaureate degree students entering a Florida College System (FCS) or State University System (SUS) institution in the 2021-2022 academic school year and thereafter must demonstrate competency through successful completion of a civic literacy course AND by achieving a passing score on the Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE).

Completing all program requirements, including ESOL, demonstrating competency in the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPS) at the pre-professional level, passing all sections of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) and passing the final internship are conditions of graduation. Students who have questions concerning catalog year requirements should consult the appropriate SPC College catalog or an academic advisor.

Academic Pathways

The Academic Pathway is a tool for students that lists the following items:
  • the recommended order in which to take the program courses
  • suggested course when more than one option exists
  • which semester each course is typically offered
  • if the course has a prerequisite
  • courses that may lead to a certificate (if offered in the program)

Please verify the Academic Pathway lists your correct starting semester.

Program Leadership Information

Dr. Heather Duncan
Dean, College of Education

Florida CIP Code


Federal CIP Code

13.1311 - Mathematics Teacher Education.


Earn your A.A. degree from SPC and continue into our Secondary Mathematics Education Bachelor of Science Degree.

Preparing you for teacher certification

Once you complete SPC's Secondary Mathematics Education bachelor's degree, you're prepared for state certification in mathematics (grades 6-12) and can start the steps to apply for your Florida Professional Certificate.

Secondary Mathematics Education B.S. Degree

Admission to the Secondary Mathematics Education B.S. Degree

Download Program Admission Guide