More than $6.6 million in scholarships were awarded to SPC students in 2022-23

Each year, SPC awards students millions of dollars in scholarships through the SPC Foundation, corporations, private donors, the State of Florida and the college itself. Scholarships can reward you for academic excellence, talent and achievement in a variety of areas, such as the arts or athletics. Best of all, they don't need to be repaid.

Colleges must include all funding resources, including scholarships, as part of a student's financial aid package. If you receive funds that are not listed on your financial aid awards, you must notify Financial Assistance Services.

See our Scholarship Tips.

Florida Bright Futures Scholarships

Florida Bright Futures Scholarships

Florida Bright Futures Scholarships reward you for your academic achievements during high school. This scholarship program awards a fixed amount per credit hour for the fall and spring terms each academic year.

SPC Foundation Scholarships

SPC Foundation Scholarships

The St. Petersburg College Foundation awards SPC students more than $2 million in scholarships each year. Best of all, you're automatically matched with qualifying scholarships once you complete the online Foundation Scholarship Application.

SPC Institutional Scholarships

Institutional Scholarships

You may be eligible to receive institutional scholarships courtesy of the college or individual departments based on your financial need and/or achievements and abilities in athletics, performing arts, visual arts, academic performance.

SPC first responder students wearing firefighter gear

Florida First Responder Scholarship

Financial assistance for first responders is available through The Florida First Responder Scholarship (FFRS). It benefits law enforcement officer, emergency medical technician, paramedic, and firefighter trainees within the state by providing financial assistance for approved training programs.

male student repairing medical equipment

Open Door Scholarship

Want to prepare for your dream job or grow your career in business, engineering, health care, or public safety? Through the Open Door Scholarship program, you can complete training for high-demand jobs in as little as six weeks for FREE!

Private Donor Scholarships

Private Donor Scholarships

Be sure to check our current list of scholarships offered by private donors and outside organizations. Most scholarship applications require an essay and each private donor determines what a scholarship covers.

Study Abroad Scholarships

Study Abroad Scholarships

Want the invaluable experience of earning college credit while traveling the world? We offer Study Abroad scholarships available each year. 

Search for Scholarships

Search for Scholarships

Use our list of links to find scholarhips you may be eligible for through your affilifation or interests.