He got his start with SPC

By Foundation Staff
When Matt Kilgroe and his business partners launched their new wealth management company in June 2020, the chose a name with special meaning: Cyndeo – based on the Greek word syndeo, for connected or bonded together.
That word says a lot about Kilgroe, who serves as president and CEO of the firm, following nearly 30 years in charge of advisory teams for Merrill Lynch and UBS Financial. It conveys his approach to work, the relationships in his life, and giving back to a place that helped him on his journey – St. Petersburg College.
“Being connected is a lot of what we do as a firm for our clients, community, and other professionals,” he said. “But I think a lot of what my life and career path has been about is keeping connections alive – and that certainly is the case with SPC.”
What keeps Kilgroe connected is basketball. His experience playing forward for the Titans helped shape his future. Some 10 years ago, with business thriving, he decided it was time to give back to the program that gave him so much by designating gifts to the program.
“You get to a point in your career where you’re thankful for those who have helped you get to where you are,” he said. “And St. Petersburg College is one of them.”
To give to St. Petersburg College’s basketball program, visit our give now page and select Other in the designation box. To read more, see the Spring 2023 edition of Illumination, available on our website.