Last Mile Scholarship Will Help Students Complete Their Education

By Foundation Staff
A sick family member, loss of childcare, the need for full-time work and a host of other things can cause students to have to take a break from college. Then a short break of a semester or two can stretch into years.
Now, St. Petersburg College's Last Mile Scholarship will play a pivotal role in helping people who got off track finish their degrees. Students who have 12 or fewer credit hours needed to complete their first associate or baccalaureate degrees could receive a scholarship to cover the costs of finishing their education.
Governor Ron DeSantis recently launched the Last Mile College Completion Program at 28 colleges.
"The Last Mile Scholarship is an excellent opportunity for SPC Students," said Michael J. Bennett, SPC Associate VP of Financial Assistance Services. "We've set aside funding specifically to help students who only have 12 credit hours remaining in their first degree program."
See Last Mile Scholarship for more information.