Federal Grant Will Fund History and Civics Academy at Collegiate High Schools
Elizabeth Miller | 10/25/2024

SPC was recently awarded a $677,351 grant from the U.S. Department of Education for the American History and Civics National Activities Program.
The grant supports the development of a six-week History and Civics Academy for students in SPC’s three collegiate high schools. It also supports a two-week summer Teacher Academy for Pinellas County teachers and staff.
“SPC is dedicated to serving as a model institution that fosters civic engagement within the communities it serves. The recent attainment of the esteemed History and Civics grant is a significant milestone for SPC,” said Dr. Joseph Smiley, Dean of Social and Behavioral Science at SPC.
“This grant will have a pivotal impact in two key ways. First, it will support the creation of an innovative curriculum aimed at fostering civic literacy and engagement opportunities for historically underrepresented high school students. Second, it will provide valuable professional development opportunities for educators to promote civic literacy and engagement within their classrooms.”
Overall, SPC aims to increase the number of civic engagement activities on a statewide level and enhance students’ and teachers’ understanding and involvement in history and civic affairs. The funding supports curriculum development, staffing, marketing, supplies and other costs related to the project.
“This grant presents an exceptional opportunity to expand civic literacy and engagement within our communities and deepen our comprehension of civic responsibilities,” said Smiley.
For information about SPC’s civic engagement, visit the Center for Civic Learning and Community Engagement webpage.